Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bahasa Malaysia

I started taking a Malaysian language class a few weeks ago in my neighborhood. It‘s a 10 week course and I can continue through level 6 if I wish to. My teacher is a Malaysian man named Azmi. So we call him Cikgu Azmi for teacher Azmi. His full name is Azmi bin Yaakub which means Azmi, son of Yaakub. Our class is not what I expected for a beginning language class, however it is interesting, I am meeting new people, and I am learning fascinating cultural facts and new vocabulary words and phrases. Here are a few words that I have learned so far...Can you put some of these words together to make some sentences?

mee = noodles
nasi = rice
cili = chili
goreng = fried & spicy
pedas = spicy hot
panas = temperature hot
Tolong = please (when you are asking for help)
saya suka = I like
saya tidak suka = I don’t like
saya mahu = I want
saya tidak mahu = I don’t want
saya boleh = I can
saya tidak boleh = I cannot
belum =none
satu = one
dua =two
tiga = three
empat = four
orang = person/people
orang utan = forest people
anak = child/ren
saya = I/me/my
ada = has/to have
mempunyai = to have (something big)
sama sama = no problem/ no worries
selamat pagi = good morning (until 11am)
selamat tenga hari = good day (11a-2p)
selamat datang = welcome
selamat petang = good afternoon (2pm-sunset)
selamat malam = good night (sunset to bedtime, also said at bedtime)
bola = ball
sepak = kick
ya = yes
tidak = no
kuching = cat
ikan = fish
anjing = dog
ayam = chicken

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